Monday, March 15, 2010

Mini Assignment, See the Light

I chose this North facing barn door for this mini assignment on light. The idea is to take a picture of the same thing at different times of the day to see how the light affects the picture. I am not sure if something North facing was a good idea, maybe the contrast would be greater if I used something South facing? Anyway it is fun to see how different each picture looks in color and texture and to watch the shadows move, I know there is a lot for me to learn here, I am still taking it all in.

7:30 am

11:00 am

3:00 pm

5:30 pm

7:00 pm

8:00 pm


  1. Now this is wonderful, I love seeing the subtle differences between the hours, but the first and last image are a whole different image...very cool!

  2. Ooh, I love this exercise. 7:30 am and 7:00 pm are my favorites so far. They gild those grasses, and bring out the colors.

    What do you think?

  3. Sorry, I meant 11 am instead of 7:30 am. Got confused with the labeling.

  4. I think you chose a good example. I love the light on 7pm (of course, it's sweet light!) The texture of the building is great for the assignment, since it captures and holds the various lights. Go ahead and try a south facing subject, as soon as the sun shines here again I'm going to try the assignment too! LindaW

  5. Great job from you to show these examples, during diffirent lights and times of the day. The Impressionist and artist Monét worked in the same way, to capture the fifferent lights during the day.

  6. Hi Jessica,
    I think you are right, the 11:30 am and 7:00 pm are the best for color and texture. Thanks for the comments!

  7. I think the 7:00pm is the best and the 3:00pm is 2nd best. Because this shot is north facing, it seems to be defying the rules of light of bit. The colors on the door are better in the 11:00 photo than the 3:00pm, but the snow is blown out. The shadow has come around on the 3:00pm enough so that there is a golden-glow like affect on the wheat (or whatever you call the plant) in the front. The 7:00pm is best because there is the real golden-glow affect on the door and the the snow has more texture. the 7:00 would be better with a bit of cropping. Thanks for your quick take on this assignment!

  8. Karen, these are wonderful examples! Being able to compare the results of your experiment is so useful in learning about light. Thanks so much for participating in the mini-assignment and sharing this with us. I'm going to be on the look-out for light as sweet as what you captured in your 7:00 p.m. shot!


  9. Nice job with the different times of day. To me 7:30 am and 8:00pm are the coldest looking with 11:00am and 7:00pm the warmest.Nice demonstration of the mini-assignment.

  10. It really makes a difference when you can actually compare the same shot at different times of the day. Very well done.

  11. Hi!
    Great shots! It kind of looks like different pictures with the light changing. Have a great day!


  12. I like the 7PM shot the best. It is interesting to see the effects of the light during the day, nice capture.

  13. Interesting to se how the house totally changes appearance with time.

    Christina, Sweden
