Sunday, March 21, 2010


Just for the record I didn't take this picture, my daughter did. My husband took my 3 kids camping over the weekend and left me home ( yes, he is my hero!). I post it here to give her a chance to get some feedback for her work, I like the lines leading up to the sky...they had just shimmied through a crack full of waist deep mud so my son had his pack and shoes up high to keep them out of the mud. Did I say my husband was my hero?


  1. she did a good job on framing the subject. Could have tilted a bit to the left to have it a bit more straight. All and all it pretty darn good she should be proud.

  2. I love this...the framing around your son is perfect and I love how she took it looking up...I think you have another photographer in the family!

  3. Shooting from below is a very powerful device. It makes the subject seem more powerful. Now, I don't know this boy, but I bet he doesn't mind that at all! Great framing as well.

  4. Great composition!! Going through all that say masculine to me.

  5. The rock cliffs make great framing and the perspective is very interesting, also.
