Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sand and Sun

We just returned from a week at the beach in San Diego. I had so much fun taking pictures, I am trying things I never would have in the past. We were hiking on the rocks when I looked up and saw this picture. My daughter didn't like it but I think it captures the gritty sand as well as the fascination we all have watching the waves come in. I am still a bit crazy with the camera, I took almost 500 pictures! Still trying to get over the beginners excitement I guess.


  1. This is a winner!! Love the composition in this Karen. Very cool!!

  2. Your beginner excitement will never end!

    I love your perspective on this..makes me want to bury my toes in some hot sand! Love the depth in this as well!

  3. Sand Son and Sole (Soul) perhaps, great memory for you.

  4. Love, love this photo. It is very original and creative. The perspective is great.

  5. Crazy what a camera will do and what we end up doing with it as well

  6. Love love love the perspective on this!

  7. What a fantastic picture--it's a great angle and it just shouts, "BEACH!" Teenagers never like having their pictures taken by moms, but this one is all about beening a teenager at the beach.

  8. What a fun perspective you used for this and the result is terrific. I love your creativity!


  9. Great perspective! The image conveys the moment which I think is what we strive to do. Never lose your beginner's excitement. To me this is what it is all about!
